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Proposed Site Layout
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The proposals seek to deliver a high-quality development which includes:

114 new homes including both open market and 40% affordable homes to meet local need, comprising of a range of one bed apartments and two, three, four and five bed homes, including bungalows. 

Sustainable building design reflective of local character including having special regard to the setting of Broadway Conservation Area and other local heritage assets.

Replacement sports pitches comprising of a full size floodlight 3G sports pitch and full sized 11vs11 grass pitch and 9vs9 and 7vs7 grass pitches.

New clubhouse including changing room facilities and function room for the use of the local community

Existing overflow car park to Milestone Ground to be improved/extended and secured alongside enhanced sports and clubhouse facilities.


Accessible public open space, including equipped children’s play area and community orchard.

High quality landscaping is proposed, including new tree and hedgerow planting alongside Station Road and Broadway Gravel Pit Local Wildlife Site, as well as ecological enhancements throughout the proposed development.

Enhanced connectivity with proposed pedestrian and cycle links throughout the development, new crossing point onto northern side of Station Road and improved footway connections to recently established toucan crossing adjacent to New Barn Close Surgery. 

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